
The Geographic Information System VGP Geointellect

ВГП-Геоинтеллект – система сбора, хранения, анализа и графической визуализации пространственных данных и связанной с ними информацией о необходимых объектах.

A platform for geoanalytics with the ability to build heatmaps, display multiple layers, and generate customizable reports in a convenient format based on the specific needs of the user.

Финансовая модель ИНТЦ “Русский”

The financial model of Innovative Scientific and Technological Center «Russkiy» presents scenarios and calculation of the necessary financing for the creation of a cluster of high-tech Asia-Pacific markets oriented companies in the Far East

Financial model of the United Far Eastern Airlines

Financial model of the United Far Eastern Airlines with an opportunity to flexibly adjust all operational parameters and government support measures to assess the complex financial result on the strategic horizon
