Anadyr 2030 Master Plan

Government bodies
Sectoral ministries
People of the region

The Master plan for the city of Anadyr 2030 presents a strategy for transforming the easternmost city of Russia into a city which would be comfortable to live in for people of all generations

Key indicators:

2,4 thousand new jobs
48% GVP growth
4689,58 million ₽ planned projects value
31% increase in housing stock
50% increase in the area of covered public spaces
x2,5 increase in well-equipped urban spaces
100% share of treated wastewater
x2,5 increase in the area of green spaces

The Master plan includes:

  • analysis of the challenges and potentials of the urban development;
  • assessment of the economic, demographic and socio-cultural characteristics of the city and region;
  • description of the structure of the economy and the main investment projects of the city;
  • current planned indicators for the development of promising industries and an assessment of synergistic effects;
  • analysis of value chains in key sectors of the economy: construction, logistics, energy, tourism, food production;
  • performance indicators for the implementation of the master plan;
  • analysis of the urban situation and various scenarios for the construction of residential, social, commercial, educational and other facilities, the development of industrial and engineering facilities;
  • a plan for the implementation of the strategic tasks of the city's development, a comprehensive plan of measures and projects.

Eastern State Planning Center develops Master plans for urban districts and agglomerations in the Far Eastern Federal District and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, based on a thorough analysis of the current and future level of territory’s socio-economic development of the territory, including:

  • demography
  • economic structures of an urban districts or agglomeration;
  • sociocultural context;
  • current transport and engineering infrastructure and its long-term development plans;
  • current state of urban planning
  • innovative and investment projects in an urban district or agglomeration.

In the course of filed research, the specialists of the Eastern State Planning Center:

  • identify key challenges and development potentials of an urban district or agglomeration;
  • describe the portrait of the «future resident» and his needs;
  • identify industries with high potential and calculate the direct economic and multiplier effects of their development;
  • develop a plan for the long-term development of the city (agglomeration) and key performance indicators to assess its implementation;
  • design various scenarios for the spatial development of the city (agglomeration), including the construction of living houses, social (educational, sports, cultural, etc.), commercial, infrastructural, industrial and landscape facilities.

When developing master plans, specialists of the Eastern State Planning Center rely on the experience of diverse projects implementation in the field of socio-economic, innovation and investment development, analysis of current and modelling prospective indicators for the development of territories at various levels in the Far East and the Arctic (from individual municipalities to macroregions).

Master plans prepared by Eastern State Planning Center are based on a systematic assessment of all factors that affect the socio-economic situation in an urban district or agglomeration, have a methodological and economic justification, provide a strategic vision for the development of a territory in the context of the macroeconomic situation, the federal and regional agenda, and are based on relevant standards and guidelines for future development of the cities.

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