Digital model of the tourism industry of the Far East

Government bodies
People of the region

An agent-based dynamic model of the tourism industry of the Far East based on Big Data which assesses the effectiveness of the state policy in the field of tourism


>240 тыс. туристов посетило
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35 смоделированных туристических кластеров в Республике Бурятия
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170 точек привлечения
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The digital model of the tourism industry helps the state and businesses to:

  • receive up-to-date statistical data on tourist flows and average bills, transport accessibility and attendance of places of attraction, patterns of behavior and satisfaction of tourists, as well as other data on the industry;
  • assess the capacity and degree of deterioration of the infrastructure, effectively plan its development; 
  • identify and analyze bottlenecks and growth points of tourism and other related industries;
  • evaluate different scenarios for the development of the tourism industry in the region and its areas;
  • analyze direct, indirect and multiplier economic, social and environmental effects towards the development of the tourism industry in the region;
  • plan and work out forms of support, investment programs and business projects in tourism and related industries.

The digital model of the tourism industry is a tool for preparing well-timed, balanced management decisions for the development of tourism in the Far East and the Arctic.

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